
Episode 40: Katherine Hamilton

…hydro- [crosstalk 00:00:07:52]. It wasn’t out there. Yeah, it was not cool. And bioenergy has never been cool. So I just picked [crosstalk 00:07:58]. But they were all very much…

Episode 50: Amy Francetic

for these companies. Jon Powers: Yeah. So let’s add some color to what these companies are. So you’ve got a for instance, a charging station company, you’ve got a sort…

Episode 59: Live at the NYSERDA Green Innovation Showcase

…early stage companies who are aggregating assets. I’ve got an efficiency finance company for example, that we chatted about, which is… John Santoleri: At the end of the day it’s…

Episode 14: Tom Matzzie

commissioners, like commissioner Paulson, who was the former chair of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. The Pennsylvania Commission was a very professionalized commission that was very straight shooter, would just…

Episode 9: Alicia Seiger

…to Alicia Seiger for joining us at CleanCapital’s Experts Only podcast. Challenge each and every one of you to go to and download and see our latest episode. I…

Episode 71: Chad Farrell

…who are mission driven impact investors who are interested, again, in the Vermont Flexible Capital Fund, they’re targeting renewable energy companies, food and beverage companies, working landscape companies. So kind…